If you have never been to a rehabilitation centre the concept can be very intimidating. Having an understanding of the treatments and therapies available can alleviate some of the stress you may have around the idea of addiction treatment.


Before You Arrive

Before you arrive at a rehabilitation centre you will select which facility you would like to attend and contact them.

This is called the initial enquiry and you will usually have a phone call with a member of the rehab’s admission team. They can discuss all your options and answer any initial questions.

You will then have a pre-admission screening. This assessment will usually be either a phone call or if your chosen rehab centre is near you can have a face-to-face assessment. All information given by yourself during the assessment is confidential and is only used in the creation of your personalised treatment programme.

The pre-admission screening will include questions about the duration, severity and what substance or behaviour you are addicted to.


Admission Day

This is when your recovery journey really begins.

When you arrive at your chosen rehabilitation centre you will be taken through an induction process. They will explain the rules and expectations of the rehab and your personalised treatment programme. You may be asked to sign a treatment contract and any other required documents.

You will then be given some time to settle into your room and unpack.

A specialist doctor or psychiatrist will then conduct an assessment and detail the detoxification process, should you require detox.



If you are entering a treatment facility for substance abuse, drugs or alcohol,  you will be required to complete a medically assisted detoxification.

We recommend finishing detoxification with medical advice and assistance at a rehab. Rehab staff are able to prescribe medicines that can make the physical and psychological withdrawal symptoms manageable.

The amount of time detoxification takes will completely depend on your substance of choice and the severity of the addiction.

Once you have completed detox you can then begin your treatments and therapies.


Therapy And Treatments Options

Most of our rehabs separate treatment options into psychological and well-being therapies.

Psychological Therapies 

  • Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)
  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
  • Family Therapy
  • Stress Management
  • Relapse Prevention Planning
  • Individual therapy
  • Group therapy


Well-Being Therapies 

  • Mindfulness Sessions
  • Nutrition Support
  • Holistic Therapies
  • Relaxation and Sleep Management
  • Acupuncture


Does Rehab Have Social Activities?

Whilst you are at rehab it is not therapy 24/7. You will have access to a number of social and recreational activities. The majority of or rehab centres offer daily walks, quiz and film nights and family visits.


What Happens After Rehab?

Once you complete your treatment program you aren’t just sent home to deal with the rest of your addiction recovery alone.

During your stay, you will develop a relapse prevention plan with rehab staff. This plan equips you with the skills, knowledge and awareness of your personal triggers. Knowing your triggers and how to manage them will give you the greatest success with your long term recovery.

You will also be given 12 months of aftercare. Aftercare includes access to support groups so you can continue your substance abuse treatment long after you leave your chosen rehab centre.

All of these therapies and ongoing treatments will help you improve the quality of your life and maintain sobriety long term.


Contact us today to start your recovery journey.